Kenneth House, Jr. - Software Tester
My name is Kenneth but everybody calls me Kenny. I am 16 years old and my birthday is June 18, 2003. I attend the Edmondson Westside High School. I am very athletic. I enjoy playing football but when I’m not playing football; I’m either playing video games or playing basketball. I want to be an NFL player when I get older. The reason I want to play football is that I get angry from time to time when thinking about my father. It gives me space to get rid of all of my anger. I can leave it on the field instead of being angry all day. Being a football player allows me to be a part of a team. Playing sports also allows me to improve and use my communication skills. It also enables me to show my work ethic and reliability. Finally, I am also a quick learner so if I am supposed to learn something it won’t take long for me to catch on to what needs to be done.