Fight Blight Bmore To Serve As YouthWorks Work Site

Youth Works Summer Jobs Launch

Help Fight Blight Bmore hire a team of youth to test our mobile app this summer thru Youth Works. DONATE HERE.

Our app allows users to take pictures of blighted properties or demolition sites, tag safety hazards and send reports to responsible parties. YouthWorks is Baltimore City's summer jobs program, offering thousands of youth ages 14-21, five-week job experiences with non-profit, government, and private sector employers. We have registered with YouthWorks as a work site and set the goal of hiring 12 youth (each youth receives wages of $1600 for a 5 week session) for the summer to test the app and map blight in Harlem Park or Upton. In addition to receiving high tech software and systems development experience the youth will be mentored by seasoned industry professionals (to produce a personal portfolio: bio, headshot, resume and 10 year plan) and will received a letter of recommendation at the completion of the program.

How can you help? Make a tax deductible donation to Youth Works thru the Baltimore City Foundation to fund a youth worker for this summer. Donations can be made by check, money order or online. Make checks or money orders payable to Baltimore City Foundation and write MOED-YW-855-00-Fight Blight Bmore on the memo line. For online donations use the link below and select Mayor's Office of Employment Development- Youth Works - 855-00 under Donation Program and write Fight Blight Bmore in the Comments section. Please select the Matching Gifts check box if your employer has that program and forward the appropriate paperwork to the Baltimore City Foundation at 7 E. Redwood Street, 9th floor Baltimore, MD 21202.

Let's address blight and train youth for skilled employment opportunities at the same time. Thank you!
